SC Lifecourses and Upgrades r 4 ppl who prefer taking the blue pill of reality – security – happiness – beauty

they can learn 2 change and train 4 more njoyable life in compatibility with the world  .

Lifecourses give lifetime stuff so u learn enough 2 keep fit – healthy- creative 4 ur whole life if u practice and develop in the right way.



Many pros from design – fashion – art – music background saw me as rolemodel – icon – or live influencer and asked me 2 give them

inspiration or guidance or join their company 4 creative coop or their events 4 upgrade so thats how it was natural 2 do it this way


Upgrades can give u Inspiration or More

as a former pro




live influencer




i know how life is on pro lv 2


first i guide u then u can do it by urself


upgrade sessions can b booked  solo


Upgrades can b Consciousness builders 4





FASHION(way of model – upgrade ur style)


NUTRITION(ways 4 health – fitness )


FINANCE(way of broker 4 eg cryptotrading etc.)


CREATIVITY(way of artist – get inspired 4 joining creative principles/process )


EVENTS( life influencer bookings 4 upgrade –  events – vernissage – parties etc.)





20x45min Coaching 2000€

1: Modelshaping (bmi 18,5) fitness & health & nutrition for her


2: Bros300 (6pack) fitness &  health & nutrition for him



3: W.o.l.f (wild – open – love – free ) men empowerment


4: B.i.t.c.h (beautiful – intelligent – talented – charming – humble) woman empowerment



5: Relationshiptuning (the relationship toolbox 4 sucessful interaction)


6:Ectasy (free expression inner 2 outer) honest talk – move – dance



a the virus  (enter the game )

b alpha wolf (the player)



8:Modelcombat (self – defense toolbox 4 her)


these courses r just a start of self – defense even if trained for many years its not fair or serious 2 grant safety or self – defense

mastery in shortcut


9:Streetsafe (self – defense toolbox 4 him)



10.Art X  (sessions 4 artists 2 get a deeper connection 4 creative work 2 honestly express themselves free)



Ask 4 special offer life pack 4 Self-Concepts members 4 a monthly fee 200/400 €

u get 6 courses in a 4/2 year plan so get one course 4 free


Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.   BRUCE LEE